Thursday, September 23, 2010

:: Baby Bottle Milk ::

Huge collections of bottles for the children

White Heaven bottles
RM 39.90
Code : HB(L)1110

Long and Cutest Bottles
RM 15.90 (each)
Code : HB(L)1111

Heaven Style Bottle
RM39.90 (both)
Code : HB(L)1112

Coolestbaby Bottles
Code : HB(L)1113


  1. alhamdulillah..saye nk share sumtin..dengan adenye blog nie..dapat la saye cari barang2 bayi..isteri saye pon da nak bersalin..lega la sikit..maklumlah..first child omputih kate..gabra dan segale macam tu ade la...btw..camne yea saye nk kontek ande semua..almaklumlah..nk tempah barag2..dalam 2 ari lagi isteri saye nk bersalin..belom wat persiapan langsong lagi..arap anda semua leh tolong..

  2. ooo...awak boleh contact saya-o139085303
    email saya
    kalau ade pape pertanyaan ley la call or just email me,,k...

  3. wak..nak kek taylor swift ada x??
    saya minat dia la..

  4. boleh jer...nanti u ckp je nk design yang cm ner,then i akan buatkan la...harga boleh dirunding,,,

  5. salam... setiap harga brg yg jual kat sini akn d hantar ke? harga yg di tunjukn tu dah trmsuk gn kos prhantaran ke... agak2 ble boleh sapai kalu sy tempah skrg? mklum la istri sy akn bersalin mggu ni... sempat x ye? sy lupe nk beli awl2... sy kerja pemotong balak.. skrg sy ada dlm hutan.. x sempat nk cari kt kedai...

  6. that was so cute n miscellaneous design of bottle...looking forward to have it,for my baby if i'd like to purchase an item,do i have to make a reservation or just give u a call?hope u reply as soon as possible

  7. barang2 kat dlm ni semua ok n design nye pun menarik hati.tpi sya harap kualiti nye pun bagus n memuaskan hati...harga bagi sya berpatutan laa..

  8. sy nk beli gak product anda.. buaian utk bby..
    hadiah utk kak sdare sy yg akn bkl mndpt chaya mata xlama lagi....tlg cdg kn product yg bersesuaian k? tq

  9. suparju..yea..its including the kos penghantaran...congrate to you...we have many new arrival produck..we will upload later to you...tq..
    kualiti nye memg bagus,,,ianya bersesuaian denagn harga yang kami letak...many of our consumer satisfied with our product n the quality...

  10. if u all berminat bley oder d order form kami yg tersedia..
